T Levels Suite with
Gordon McAlpine
Getting ready for 2020
Gordon has a wealth of experience in Further Education and along with Beej will be bringing to you a series of webinars based on the key issues and challenges facing providers arising from the proposed introduction of the new T Level Qualifications due to commence in 2020.
Designed to highlight the main planning and implementation stages associated with this vitally import new initiative we will explore with you what actions are needed by providers over the coming months to ensure the successful and sustainable delivery of T Levels.
The suite will also include presentations from practitioners in the post 16 sector and will cover hot topics such as
Careers Information Advice and Guidance
Marketing and Branding of the new Qualifications
Curriculum Planning and Methods of Delivery of the new Standards
Employer Engagement and the Skills Agenda
Developing Effective Partnerships
Funding and Resources
Quality Assurance
CPD for staff delivering T Levels
In addition, e-Memoir will provide subscribers with a "T Level on line forum" to assist practitioners get in touch with each other and to encourage the sharing of best practice across the sector as developments start to emerge and T Levels begin to take shape
Webinars already available
“T Levels, Getting Ready for 2020 - An Introduction” with Gordon McAlpine (e-Memoir) and Rhys Davies Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality, East Riding College