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How to book your place on a webinar

Further information to follow.  All participants will receive a video recording from the webinar along with any other resources used.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please contact us on: 07891 262272 or

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Exploring Potential Threats to Tutorial Provision

17th April 2024. 13:30 - 14:30

A complimentary webinar from FETN in association with e-Memoir


The Further Education sector faces many challenges in delivering effective tutorial provision. With major changes to the English and maths condition of funding being introduced from this August, providers of 16-19 study programmes, including T levels, will have to reformulate their curriculum plans and increase the number of hours for both English and maths. This could have significant implications for tutorial provision and support for the individual needs of learners. At the same time changes to the way that adult skills programmes and apprenticeships are funded, and the continued emphasis on good retention and achievement, highlight the importance of good quality tutorial support for these learners.


This interactive webinar led by Dr Sally Wootton and Beej Kaczmarczyk, will identify some of the key issues found across the sector and explore strategies to overcome these challenges.






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Tutorial Provision Health Check Surgery with Dr Sally Wootton and Beej Kaczmarczyk

12th June 2024. 13:30 - 14:30

This webinar with take the form of a Q&A session. Participants will be invited to send questions regarding their tutorial provision prior to the event. General themes will be drawn from these questions and discussed during the webinar.





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The future of funding for Access to HE programmes

18th April 2024. 14:00 - 15:00

Ascentis in association with e-Memoir


Suitable for Directors of Curriculum, Access to HE Managers, Planning and Funding Managers and Data Managers.


Access to HE provision is an important part of the FE and skills offer for adults seeking to progress to HE programmes but it is facing significant challenges in the current FE and skills environment with the changes introduced as part of the Government’s ‘Skills for Jobs’ consultations in 2024 to 2025, the reviews of qualifications at level 3 and below, increased use of blended learning, changes in the Higher Education environment, and the introduction of T levels.


This one-hour webinar will provide you with the most up-to-date information on the new arrangements for the funding for Access to HE and how to make the best of new opportunities.

It will cover:


  • The importance and scope of Access to HE programmes

  • Funding of Access to HE programmes – Adult Skills Fund and Advanced Learner Loans

  • Implications of recent changes in public funding and accountability, reviews of qualifications at level 3 and below, devolution of adult skills funding

  • How providers can respond to these changes and make the most of opportunities to maintain and grow their Access to HE provision.







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Developing the role and strategic focus of Adult and Community Learning services and providers in the new context for adult skills

16th May 2024. 14:30 - 15:30

A webinar for managers in Adult and Community Learning providers.


This webinar will consider how Adult and Community Learning providers can make the most of opportunities provided by ‘Skills for Jobs: Implementing a new further education funding and accountability system’, the expectations of community learning to widen participation and support progression, local skills improvement plans, new devolution arrangements, and new adult skills funding arrangements. It will also consider some of the challenges posed by the merging of community learning and non-regulated formula funded provision into Tailored Learning funding from 2024 to 2025, as well as the significant real terms reductions in the funding of adult learning over recent years. It will cover:  

  • Understanding the expectations of community learning in the new Adult Skills Fund How the delivery of non-formula and formula funded community learning works in practice

  • Ensuring community learning meets learner needs identified at national and local levels

  • How devolved adult skills funding can provide opportunities for community learning








Beej : 07921 587443

Marek : 07891 262272

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