November 18, 2020
Delivering effective learning support for adult learners: how learning support can improve engagement, retention, achievement and progression.
This webinar will focus on how the effective use of learning support funding for adults, including those on AEB and loan funded programme, can improve learner performance and progression.
It will cover:
- Current learning support funding arrangements for adults on programmes funded by the AEB
- Making the most of the Loans Bursary Fund
- Meeting requirements for the funding, audit and quality assurance of learning support
- Impacts of learning support on engagement, retention and achievement
It will also provide participants with the opportunity to discuss how well their management of learning support optimises the funding available to meet the needs of learners and audit requirements.
The webinar will also provide the opportunity for participants to share best practice and learn from the experience of other traineeship providers.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video Link
September 09, 2020
Traineeships – new opportunities in the FE and Skills sector in response to the Covid-19 crisis
This webinar will consider how the renewed interest in traineeships in response to the Covid-19 crisis, and the government’s Plan for Jobs, can provide organisations in the FE and Skills sector with opportunities to engage more effectively with young people and employers to meet their respective needs. It will also consider how providers will need to be more innovative in the planning and delivery of cost-effective traineeships. With the recently announced changes in the funding of traineeships, including employer incentives, and the procurement opportunity for providers of 19-24 AEB funded traineeships, the webinar will consider what providers need to do to meet the demands for new skills, the increased expectations of the ESFA and the requirements of inspection.
It will cover
• Recent changes to the funding and incentivisation of traineeships
• New flexibilities and opportunities in traineeships
• Effective planning, delivery and quality assurance of traineeships
• Incorporating digital skills and short online courses into your traineeship offer
• The funding models and rules for young people and adults on traineeships
• The role of LMI and strategic partnerships in the new landscape
• The new demands for skills - meeting the needs of the labour market
• Issues arising from the marketing, funding and delivery of traineeships and pre-apprenticeship programmes
The webinar will also provide the opportunity for participants to share best practice and learn from the experience of other traineeship providers.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
July 23, 2020
Traineeships – new opportunities in the FE and Skills sector in response to the Covid-19 crisis
This webinar will consider how the renewed interest in traineeships in response to the Covid-19 crisis can provide organisations in the FE and Skills sector with opportunities to engage more effectively with employers to meet their skills shortages. It will also consider how providers will need to be more innovative in the planning and delivery of cost-effective traineeships. With recently announced changes in the funding of traineeships, including employer incentives, the webinar will provide an opportunity to consider how best to meet demands for new skills, the increased expectations of the ESFA and the requirements of inspection.
It will cover
• Recent changes to the funding and incentivisation of traineeships
• The more innovative approach to planning, funding and quality assuring traineeships
• The funding models and rules for young people and adults on traineeships
• Issues arising from the marketing, funding and delivery of traineeships and pre-apprenticeship programmes
• Where the demands for skills will come from
• The role of LMI and strategic partnerships in the new landscape
• Meeting the needs of local and regional labour markets
The webinar will also provide the opportunity for participants to share best practice and learn from the experience of other traineeship providers.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
July 02, 2020
Making the most of learning support funding for young people and adults to improve engagement, retention, achievement and
This webinar will focus on how the effective use of learning support funding for young people and adults, including trainees and apprentices, can improve learner performance and progression.
It will cover:
• Current funding arrangements for learning support of young people including high needs learners
• Current funding arrangements for adults, including loan funded learners, and apprentices
• Meeting requirements for the funding, audit and quality assurance of learning support
It will also provide participants with the opportunity to discuss how well their management of learning support optimises the funding available to meet the needs of learners and audit requirements.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 24, 2020
Delivering Cost Effective Access to HE Programmes
Access to HE provision is an important part of the FE and skills offer for adults seeking to progress to HE programmes but it is facing significant challenges with devolution of adult funding, changes in HE funding and offers, and the introduction of T levels. This one-hour webinar will provide you with the most up-to-date information on the planning, delivery and funding of Access to HE programmes.
It will cover:
• The importance and scope of Access to HE programmes
• Funding of Access to HE programmes – Adult Education Budget and Advanced Learner Loans
• How to grow your loan funded Access to HE provision
• Improving the cost effectiveness of Access to HE provision
• Effective delivery mechanisms, including flexible and online learning
• Future prospects for Access to HE
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 23, 2020
The Challenges of COVID-19 for Tutorial Staff and Students
The past weeks of lockdown have created challenges for both students and staff in relation to how they work and how they feel. Tutors have sought new ways of engaging with and supporting students, and students have experienced new ways of learning. While learning at home has a number of benefits, including giving structure to the day and supporting a student's general health and wellbeing, and helping prepare students for the next step of their journey, into further study, university, an apprenticeship or work, it has also tested the resilience and capabilities of students.
This webinar, hosted by Sally Wootton and Beej Kaczmarczyk, will share the views and concerns of tutors and students across the sector and how they are preparing to return to a new normal. It will also focus on the needs of ‘left behind’ students who have not always had access to the technology and support required to get the best out of remote learning, or who have missed face-to-face contact with their tutors and peers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 17, 2020
An update on the Adult Education Budget 2020 to 2021
This webinar will provide an update on the Adult Education Budget (AEB) and implications for the planning and delivery of provision for 2020 to 2021. It will cover
• The range and scope of provision funded through the AEB
• Relationship between legal entitlements, low wage waivers and local flexibilities
• Main elements of the funding formula, including learning support
• Funding for English, maths, ESOL and digital skills
• Importance of retention and achievement
• Arrangements in devolved authorities
• Implications of Covid-19
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 10, 2020
Making the best of the funding for ESOL programmes: improving the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery models
Ascentis in association with e-Memoir
In this webinar, Beej Kaczmarczyk will consider the main elements of the funding of ESOL programmes for young people and adult learners, and the implications for the planning and delivery of provision in light of changes to the Adult Education Budget (AEB) and the devolution of funding.
The webinar will focus on how ESOL providers need to adjust their offer in light of local flexibilities, low wage waivers, devolution of AEB, and the employability and digital skills agendas. It will also consider how pre-entry and non-regulated programmes can be included in this offer but also emphasise how they need to be quality assured, make effective use of RARPA and promote progression to further learning.
It will cover:
• Main elements of the funding formulae for young people and adult applied to ESOL provision
• Implications for the planning, costing and delivery of ESOL provision
• Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery models
• Local devolution and commissioning of the AEB and implications for ESOL providers
• Ensuring an integrated approach to your ESOL provision
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
May 20, 2020
Pre-entry literacy, numeracy and digital skills programmes: opportunities and essential requirements
Ascentis in association with e-Memoir
This webinar will provide centres with the opportunity to review their current offer of literacy, numeracy and digital skills programmes in light of changes to the funding of adult skills, including local flexibilities, low wage waivers and devolution of the AEB. It will also provide an update on audit and funding agency requirements for these programmes.
It will consider non-regulated provision and how best to record and quality assure it through RARPA.
The webinar will show you how to use Ascentis pre-entry qualifications to promote progression to statutory entitlements, regulated qualifications and employment.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
May 15, 2020
How FE colleges are being supported during the Covid-19 crisis
Ascentis in association with e-Memoir
The Coronavirus pandemic is having significant impacts on FE and Skills providers and their learners. With disruptions to their learning, it is imperative that FE colleges can continue to deliver learning and support to young learners, adults and apprentices.
This webinar, hosted by Beej Kaczmarczyk, will look at some of the measures that have been introduced to support FE colleges during this crisis, and consider what needs to be done to ensure the continuity of provision during and after the lockdown. It will focus some attention on where support is not currently being provided, e.g. for levy paying employers.
It will provide participants with the opportunity to share ideas on how best to plan ahead and will be followed by more interactive sessions on how to convert these ideas into actions with impact, e.g. collaborative planning, resource sharing, online learning.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 28, 2020
Making the most of your Adult Education Budget allocation or contract
Ascentis in association with e-Memoir
The Adult Education Budget enables adults to access learning opportunities by funding the provision made by the FE and Skills sector, and yet there have been significant underspends on this funding source. At the same time research by the Learning and Work Institute shows that adult participation in learning has fallen significantly since 2010. More recently, City and Guild’s “Missing Millions” reports a falling number of adult learners in the last ten years including apprentices, with almost 18 million having outdated skills and almost one third not having received any workplace training in the last 5 years.
This webinar will give you an opportunity to reflect on and review successful strategies for the optimisation of AEB funding through effective planning, marketing and delivery of learning activities, including Ascentis on-line short courses, and especially on the importance of effective engagement with adults and ensuring a great learner experience.
It will also consider the opportunities provided by legal entitlements, local flexibilities, low pay waivers, devolution of the AEB, and the prospective “National Skills Fund”.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 22, 2020
Implementing effective subcontracting arrangements in the FE and Skills sector
This is a partnership initiative between e-Memoir and the Fellowship of Inspection Nominee (Fin) a membership organisation that supports the post-16 education and training sector to strengthen the quality of provision and be fully prepared for external inspection.
This webinar is highly appropriate for post-16 education and training providers who are currently in subcontracting arrangements for a proportion of their provision or intend doing so in the future.
Major changes to subcontracting arrangements are likely to be implemented following the current consultation, and prime contractors need to ensure they are fully aware of how they need to adapt to these changing practices to meet ESFA and Ofsted requirements, and maintain the quality of their provision
The webinar, presented by Peter Stacey of Fin and Beej Kaczmarczyk of e-Memoir, will cover the following aspects of the subcontracting debate
• Subcontracting facts and figures
• Reasons for subcontracting
• Undertaking due diligence
• Supporting subcontractors - working in partnership
• Performance management and reporting
• Ofsted's expectations of subcontracting
• Best practice in subcontracting - hints and tips
• Dealing with failures and concerns
• Further support for providers – the role of Fin
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 08, 2020
What apprenticeship training providers need most during the Coronavirus crisis.
Video to follow. Awaiting responsive from Zoom to convert file
What apprenticeship training providers need most during the Coronavirus crisis.
The Coronavirus pandemic is having significant impacts on FE and Skills providers and their learners, but particularly on apprenticeship training providers.
Whilst a range of support packages for grant funded providers of 16-18 and adult learner education provision have been announced, it appears that very little has so far been done to alleviate risks to the finances of independent training providers who deliver the majority of apprenticeship and work-based training. To avoid furloughing or laying off staff that would have been involved in the delivery of apprenticeship training, providers will need to have some certainty over profile payments or payments in advance of need. Without these and other asks, many providers will go out of business and put the future of apprenticeships in the UK at risk, with negative impacts on skill development and productivity.
This webinar, hosted by Beej Kaczmarczyk, will look at some of the measures that have been introduced to support the provider network during this crisis, and consider what needs to be done to ensure the survival of apprenticeship providers, including FE colleges with substantial apprenticeship provision.
It will provide participants with the opportunity to share ideas on how best to plan ahead and will be followed by more interactive sessions on how to convert these ideas into actions with impact, e.g. local collaborative planning strategies, resource sharing, online learning through mobile technology.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 26, 2020
Improving the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in the current quality assurance environment
This webinar, presented by Beej Kaczmarczyk and Rhys Davies, will look at how providers of learning programmes for young people and adults can improve the quality of education they offer their learners.
The presenters will consider the implications for teaching, learning and assessment of the Education Inspection Framework handbook for Further Education and Skills, recent published inspection reports and also the very latest key messages from the Education Training Foundation in the lead up to T-Levels.
The webinar will include the implications for teachers of the longer-term view of learner progress over time, the emphasis on long term memory recall, and the teaching of skills. We will also discuss the consequences of all of this for managers responsible for Quality Assuring Teaching, Learning and Assessment. Strategies for teachers to improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment through learning walks, observation, collaborative professional practice, coaching and mentoring will be shared during the webinar.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 18, 2020
ESFA guidance and rules relating to the recognition of prior learning (RPL) and 20% off-the-job training in apprenticeships
This webinar will give training providers an opportunity to consider and discuss some of the key issues around the 20% off-the-job training and recognition of prior learning (RPL) requirements in apprenticeships so that you can better meet the funding rules and evidence requirements of the ESFA, the quality requirements of Ofsted, and, ensure that your programmes are meaningful and valued by apprentices and their employers.
The webinar, led by Beej Kaczmarczyk, aims to
• Increase your awareness of recent clarifications of the funding rules and evidence requirements for audit
• Provide practical examples of how providers and employers have delivered high quality off-the-job training
• Clear up any misconceptions of what constitutes off-the-job training
• Ensuring compliance with rules relating to recognition of prior learning and experience
• Implications for duration and content of apprenticeship programmes
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 18, 2020
Using AEB funding streams to develop levy and apprenticeship activity
Are you using your AEB allocation to further advance relationships with employers, driving your business development to generate apprenticeship opportunities?
This webinar will explore opportunities provided by the Adult Education Budget to promote and increase the level of apprenticeship activity in your organisation by ensuring that your curriculum offer engages adults and employers, providing the skills and learning needed to prepare them for the workplace, improve progression opportunities or equip them for an apprenticeship.
Effective use of the entitlements for English and maths, first level 2 and 3 for 19 to 23 year-old learners, local flexibilities and 19-24 traineeships can increase the employability skills of learners, prepare them more effectively for employment and apprenticeships, and also strengthen your links with and engagement of employers.
Local devolution of AEB also requires a more focused approach to progression into employment with apprenticeships.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 28, 2020
Improving the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in the new quality assurance environment
This webinar, presented by Beej Kaczmarczyk and Rhys Davies, will look at how providers of learning programmes for young people and adults can improve the quality of education they offer their learners.
The presenters will consider the implications for teaching, learning and assessment of the Education Inspection Framework handbook for Further Education and Skills, recent inspection reports and also the work of ETF in preparation for T Levels.
The longer-term view of learner progress over time and emphasis on long term memory recall, and, their impacts on the way that teachers plan and deliver their lessons will also be discussed. Strategies for teachers to improve the quality of teaching’ learning and assessment through learning walks, observation, shared professional practice, coaching and mentoring will be shared during the webinar.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 18, 2020
Delivering Cost Effective Access to HE Programmes
Suitable for Directors of Curriculum, Access to HE Managers, Planning and Funding Managers and Data Managers.
Access to HE provision is an important part of the FE and skills offer for adults seeking to progress to HE programmes but it is facing significant challenges with devolution of adult funding, changes in HE funding and offers, and the introduction of T levels. This one-hour webinar will provide you with the most up-to-date information on the planning, delivery and funding of Access to HE programmes.
It will cover:
• The importance and scope of Access to HE programmes
• Funding of Access to HE programmes – Adult Education Budget and Advanced Learner Loans
• How to grow your loan funded Access to HE provision
• Improving the cost effectiveness of Access to HE provision
• Effective delivery mechanisms, including flexible and online learning
• Future prospects for Access to HE
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 18, 2020
Implementing effective governance arrangements
In association with 'Fellowship of Inspection Nominees'
Peter Stacey and Beej Kaczmarczyk will look at:
• Why do we need external scrutiny?
• Composition of a governing board
• Training for governing board members
• Key information that board members require
• Support and challenge – knowing the questions to ask
• Evidencing the impact of the governing board
• Ofsted expectations and inspection findings related to governance
• Summary of good practice
• Further support to providers
• Question on the webinar content and audience concerns
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 12, 2020
Making best use of funding for tutorial and enrichment provision for young people and adults
This webinar will focus on how the funding of tutorial and enrichment programmes for young people and adults can be best used to meet the needs of learners as well as the requirements of audit and inspection.
It will cover:
• Sources of funding for tutorial provision in study programmes and for adult learners
• Planning and delivering tutorial and enrichment provision to meet the needs of learners
• Meeting audit and data requirements
• Making the case for resources for your tutorial and enrichment provision
• Delivering tutorial programmes to meet the challenges of the new inspection framework
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 04, 2020
A Paperless Learner Journey
Find out how Bridgend College have created a paperless journey for their students from enquiry, admissions and enrolment, through to graduation.
Joe Baldwin, Assistant Principal, will explain how Bridgend College have re-built their learner journey, putting the student at the centre and creating a system and processes to meet the need of today’s learners.
Explore how they’ve created efficiencies and automated processes by removing the need for multiple letters, tests and information requests, providing students with a seamless and transparent experience with instant notifications and accessible information at the touch of a button.
Hear about the challenges they faced and how these have been overcome, along with next step developments to ensure the learner journey remains responsive and fluid to the needs of all students.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 30, 2020
Making the most of your AEB allocation or contract
The Adult Education Budget enables adults to access learning opportunities by funding the provision made by the FE and Skills sector, and yet there have been significant underspends on this funding source. At the same time research by the Learning and Work Institute shows that adult participation in learning has fallen significantly since 2010.
This webinar will give you an opportunity to reflect on and review successful strategies for the optimisation of AEB funding through effective planning, marketing and delivery of learning activities, and especially on the importance of effective engagement with adults and ensuring a great learner experience.
It will also consider the opportunities provided by legal entitlements, local flexibilities, low pay waivers, devolution of the AEB, and the prospective “National Skills Fund”.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 28, 2020
Update on the funding of High Needs Students for 2020 to 2021
This webinar will consider the arrangements for the funding of High Needs Students in 2020 to 2021, and how education and training providers can make best use of high needs funding.
It will cover the following:
• How the 2020 to 2021 allocations to have been determined
• Relationship between disadvantage funding and high needs funding
• How place-led and top-up funding works in the post-16 sector
• Issues arising from the operation of high needs funding, nationally and locally
• How to make the most of high needs funding
• Meeting the requirements of inspection and audit
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 23, 2020
Improving the cost effectiveness of ESOL programmes
This webinar will consider the main elements of the funding of ESOL programmes for young people and adult learners, and the implications for the planning and delivery of provision in light of changes to the Adult Education Budget (AEB), the devolution of funding and the introduction of the new inspection framework.
It will cover
• Main elements of the funding formulae for young people and adult applied to ESOL provision
• Implications for the planning, costing and delivery of ESOL provision
• Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery models
• Local devolution and commissioning of the AEB and implications for ESOL providers
• Implications of the additional funds for ESOL in the Spending Review
• Meeting the expectations of the new inspection framework
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 16, 2020
Making the best of your advanced learner loans facility
With advanced learner loans policy under some scrutiny, since almost £1 billion in loans funding had gone unspent since they were introduced, as well as the most recent data showing a further fall in the number of people taking out loans, this webinar will provide an opportunity for participants to review their own organisations’ experience of loan funding. Participants will also hear from providers who have successfully activated new learners and markets funded by loans.
It will cover
· The latest update on the funding of advanced learner loans
· Rules and regulations relating to loans
· How to more effectively market your loan funded provision
· The responsiveness of learners to fee rates and repayment conditions
· Implications for the planning and delivery of loan funded provision
· Issues raised by problems in the loans market
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 14, 2020
Innovative approaches to the planning and delivery of Traineeships
This webinar will consider how providers can more innovatively plan and deliver cost-effective traineeships. It will provide an opportunity to consider how best to meet the increased expectations of the ESFA, the requirements of inspection and also the drive for improved cost efficiency in the post-16 sector.
It will cover
The more innovative approach to planning, funding and quality assuring traineeships
The funding models and rules for young people and adults on traineeships
Planning cost-effective traineeship programmes
Meeting the requirements of inspection and for positive outcomes
Issues arising from the marketing, funding and delivery of traineeships and pre-apprenticeship programmes
Meeting the needs of local and regional labour markets
The webinar will also provide the opportunity for participants to share best practice and learn from the experience of other traineeship providers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 14, 2020
Update on 16-19 study programme funding for 2020 to 2021
This webinar, led by Beej Kaczmarczyk, will review changes to the funding of 16-19 year-old students for 2020 to 2021, and consider implications for the planning and delivery of study programmes including T Levels.
It will cover
• New investment in funding for 16-19 study programmes
• Changes to the funding of young people for 2020 to 2021
• The main elements of the 16-19 funding formula, including T Levels
• The conditions that need to be met to ensure funding
• Implications for planning and delivery of programmes
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
December 04, 2019
Update on 16-19 study programme funding for 2020 to 2021
This webinar, led by Beej Kaczmarczyk, will review changes to the funding of 16-19 year-old students for 2020 to 2021, and consider implications for the planning and delivery of study programmes including T Levels.
It will cover
• New investment in funding for 16-19 study programmes
• Changes to the funding of young people for 2020 to 2021
• The main elements of the 16-19 funding formula, including T Levels
• The conditions that need to be met to ensure funding
• Implications for planning and delivery of programmes
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
Follow this link to download the podcast: Podcast link
December 03, 2019
Contextual safeguarding and County lines (facilitated by NAMSS for its members)
Session led by Polly Harrow (Chair Namss) and Beej Kaczmarczyk
'Using Contextual Safeguarding can help to identify those involved or likely to be involved in County Lines.'
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
October 30, 2019
Making sense of ESFA funding guidance and rules relating to apprenticeships: 20% off-the-job training
This webinar will focus on how the effective use of learning support funding for adults, including trainees and apprentices, can improve learner performance and progression.
It will also provide participants with the opportunity to discuss how well their management of learning support optimises the funding available to meet the needs of learners and audit requirements.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
October 22, 2019
Making sense of ESFA funding guidance and rules relating to apprenticeships: recognition of RPL
This webinar aims to explain how ESFA guidance and rules concerning the recognition of prior learning and experience of apprentices are being implemented, and how apprenticeship training providers can ensure compliance with the rules. It will also consider the impacts on how the prices for delivery of apprenticeship programmes are negotiated, and on the length and content of apprenticeship programmes.
The webinar, led by Beej Kaczmarczyk, will cover
• Guidance and rules relating to recognition of prior learning and experience
• Ensuring compliance with the rules
• Implications for duration and content of apprenticeship programmes
• Negotiating the price of apprenticeship delivery to take account of RPL
• Providing evidence for audit
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
October 17, 2019
Improving the quality of English and maths in study programmes and apprenticeships
English and maths are key components within study programmes and apprenticeships and your delivery of English and maths is closely monitored and evaluated by key sector stakeholders. It can also be the element that the student or apprentice is most apprehensive about. Having an effective delivery model and offer for English and maths produces huge benefits for the student or apprentice, and the provider.
This webinar will explore different models of delivery and will cover the following:
• The importance of English and maths in study programmes and apprenticeships
• Feedback from inspections of study programmes and apprenticeships
• Examples of good practice in delivery of English and maths
• Challenges of the new Education Inspection Framework for providers
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
October 09, 2019
Preparing Student Services for the new Education Inspection Framework (EIF)
NAMSS webinar
The new EIF being introduced in September 2019 brings to the forefront of FE the work of Student Services and the impact on learners these services have. The framework clearly highlights how important student services are.
Lisa Humphries, Group Director of Student Services and Pastoral Support, CCG and Polly Harrow, Assistant Principal of Safeguarding and Inclusion, Kirklees College and Chair of NAMSS will be exploring in this webinar how to prepare student services for Ofsted inspection and the impact student services will have on the overall inspection. They will explore the elements of the framework under Behaviour and Attitudes and Personal Development and give practical examples from their Colleges.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
September 12, 2019
Making the most of funding for adult learners: using the Adult Education Budget and Advanced Learner Loans to grow your business
In association with ActiveIQ
The Adult Education Budget enables adults to access learning opportunities by funding the provision made by the FE and Skills sector, and yet there have been significant underspends on this funding source. Similarly, the take-up of loans to fund adult learners on programmes at level 3 and above has been disappointing, with just under half of available loan facilities being utlilised.
This webinar will give you an opportunity to reflect on and review successful strategies for the optimisation of AEB and Advanced Leaner Loan funding through effective planning, marketing and delivery of learning activities, and especially on the importance of effective engagement with adults and ensuring a great learner experience.
It will also consider the opportunities provided by local flexibilities and the devolution of the AEB in 2019 to 2020, as well as a chance to consider the outcomes of the post-18 education review.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
August 21, 2019
Update on the Funding of Learning Support for Apprentices and Trainees: meeting the needs of learners and audit requirements
This webinar will provide an update on the arrangements for the funding of learning support for young people and adults on apprenticeships and traineeships.
It will cover
Current funding arrangements for learning support for apprentices and trainees
How to make best use of learning support funding for optimum retention and achievement
Issues faced by apprenticeship providers
Meeting requirements for the funding, audit and quality assurance of learning support in apprenticeships
How to use Access to Work funding
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
July 31, 2019
Introduction of non-levy employers and providers to the apprenticeship service: positioning your organisation to maximise apprenticeship opportunitie
This webinar will focus on how small and medium sized employers and their supporting training providers can get involved in trials of the digital apprenticeship service to test the system functionality for employers who do not pay the levy.
It will cover:
The changing apprenticeship market
How the apprenticeship service functions
Benefits for employers, training providers and learners
How to get involved in the trial/test phases
Opportunities for training providers
What to do next
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
July 03, 2019
Update on the funding of T level programmes
The DfE consultation on the funding for T levels outlined proposals for four new study programme funding bands, additional funding for industry placements and disadvantage, and also for English and maths up to level 2. The results of the consultation and the Government’s response were published in June 2019.
Many of the features of the model initially proposed have been retained but in recognition of the additional costs of introducing T levels, additional one-off payments are intended for each new T level introduced and also for providers introducing the Transition Framework in 2020
This webinar, led by Beej Kaczmarczyk, will provide you with an opportunity to consider the Government response in more detail, and implications for the planning and delivery of T level programmes.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
July 03, 2019
Preparing the further education and skills sector for the changing focus of the Education Inspection Framework (EIF).
Are you inspection and new framework ready?
This complimentary webinar from e-Memoir with the Fellowship of Inspection Nominees (fin) will help organisations in the sector prepare for the new inspection framework for post 16 education and training.
Ofsted are implementing a new ‘Education Inspection Framework’ commencing in September 2019 that will involve a number of changes in how post 16 education and training programmes will be reported upon. In addition to adapted processes and methodology, the emphasis and focus that inspectors will adopt to reporting upon the quality and impact of the education and training programmes will also differ from that currently undertaken. This webinar is intended to help providers understand the new approach and raise their awareness as to how they can prepare and produce evidence that is consistent with the new inspection focus.
Led by Peter Stacey, Principal Improvement Adviser, Fellowship of Inspection Nominees (fin) and Adult Learning Improvement Network (ALIN), the webinar will cover the following
Background and headline changes to inspection
Interpreting the new inspection framework
Providing evidence and impact of work undertaken to meet the expectations of the new inspection framework
Linking self-assessment to the new inspection framework
How fin can help, benefits of membership and discount
Questions and answers
The content of this webinar is ideal for all those who work in post 16 education and training provision, in the widest range of learning contexts, whether as part of an executive team, senior management, curriculum and department leads or directly involved in teaching and training.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 25, 2019
The Education Inspection Framework and implications for the planning, design and delivery of T levels
In this the latest in the e-Memoir series of webinars on the development of T levels, Rhys Davies will lead on a discussion on how the new EIF could impact on the planning, design and delivery of the curriculum, including T levels. With colleagues in the sector he will also provide a brief update on T level developments and also share their perspectives on these developments.
The webinar will cover
• An update on T Level developments
• The key features of the Education Inspection Framework
• Similarities and differences to the Common Inspection Framework
• Aligning the EIF to your own quality assurance and quality improvement processes
• Implications of the EIF for curriculum planning
• Implications of the EIF for T Levels
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 18, 2019
Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of learners in the FE and skills sector
In association with ActiveIQ
Research has shown that 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24. While all educational organisations face the challenge of supporting increasing numbers of young people experiencing mental health difficulties, those working in the FE and skill sector face additional challenges.
For a variety of reasons, FE colleges and independent learning providers are more likely to have a proportion of learners who either have a mental health difficulty or will develop one when in education and training. It is, therefore, vital that good mental health support for learners in the FE and skill sector is provided, and that the support can be improved by sharing good practice.
This webinar with Bob Craig and Beej Kaczmarczyk will explore how colleges and other providers can best support the mental health and wellbeing of learners, whatever the setting for the learning, including apprenticeships.
It will cover
Understanding the mental health continuum
Recognising the signs of poor or declining mental health and wellbeing
Supporting learners in different learning contexts
Dos and don’ts and boundaries
Whole organisational policies and practices
Training for staff and learners
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 18, 2019
A complimentary webinar from the National Association of Managers of Student Services (namss)
Developing Effective Student Voice Practice
In this webinar, hosted by e-Memoir, Lisa Humphries, Group Director of Student Services & Pastoral Support at the Chichester College Group, will reflect on key elements of embedding student voice in colleges and training providers, taking account of both strategic and operational needs.
She will reflect on how effective student voice has been embedded at a Crawley College. Crawley (previously central Sussex) merged with Chichester In August 2017 and had previously been graded ‘requires improvement’ for 3 Ofsted inspections. A monitoring visit from Ofsted in February this year recognised significant progress against all 4 key themes and the report made particularly reference to the development of student voice and its impact in supporting cultural change.
Lisa will discuss how the Chichester College Group continues to keep student voice at the heart of the group and quality assurance processes in the ever-changing sector of FE. Lisa and Beej Kaczmarczyk will also consider how the new Education Inspection Framework might impact on student voice practice.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 11, 2019
Making the most of AEB funding 2019 to 2020
How to optimise AEB funding through effective planning, marketing, delivery and learner experience.
The Adult Education Budget enables adults to access learning opportunities by funding the provision made by the FE and Skills sector, and yet there have been significant underspends on this funding source.
This webinar will give you an opportunity to reflect and review on successful strategies for the optimisation of AEB funding through effective planning, marketing and delivery of learning activities, and especially on the importance of effective engagement with adults and ensuring a great learner experience.
It will also consider the opportunities provided by local flexibilities and the devolution of the AEB in 2019 to 2020, as well as a chance to consider the outcomes of the post-18 education review led by Philip Augar.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
May 20, 2019
Preparing young people with SEND for adulthood: the key role of supported internships
Supported internships have been part of the study programme offer for young people furthest away from the labour market for several years, and for young people with Education, Health and Care Plans, they can be extended to age 25.
With the number of providers offering supported internships increasing and numbers of students expected to be around 700 this year, this webinar presented by Beej Kaczmarczyk (e-Memoir) and Calvin Marshall (West Suffolk College), will explore the availability of funding for supported internships, models of best practice in design and delivery, forms of partnerships, and, how to make the most of progression opportunities for interns.
The webinar will also provide the opportunity for participants to share best practice and learn from the experience of other providers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
May 14, 2019
Update on apprenticeship funding 2019 to 2020
The recently published “Apprenticeship funding in England from 2019” updates the apprenticeship policy that has been in place since August 2018. The document reaffirms the operation of the current system and also introduces some changes to the system, in the light of feedback from employers, training providers and other users.
In this webinar, Beej Kaczmarczyk of e-Memoir, will consider how the changes announced in the document, e.g. reduction in the non-levy paying employer co-investment rate and increase in the percentage of funds that levy paying employers can transfer to other employers, might impact on apprenticeship providers. He will also look at the implications of the recent guidance on initial assessment and recognising prior learning in apprenticeships.
This webinar will be of relevance to providers of apprenticeship training to both levy paying and non-levy paying employers.
The webinar will also provide the opportunity for participants to share best practice and learn from the experience of other providers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
May 09, 2019
Planning and delivering effective pre-apprenticeship programmes in the active leisure sector
This webinar will consider how providers can plan and deliver cost-effective pre-apprenticeship programmes for young people and adults in the active leisure sector, to meet the increased expectations of the funding and commissioning agencies, the requirements of inspection and also the drive for improved cost efficiency in the post-16 sector.
It will cover
The more holistic approach to planning, funding and quality assuring pre-apprenticeship programmes, including traineeships
The funding models and rules for young people and adults on pre-apprenticeship programmes
Planning cost-effective programmes
Meeting the requirements of inspection and for positive outcomes
Issues arising from the marketing, funding and delivery of pre-apprenticeship programmes
Meeting the needs of the local labour market and local commissioning agencies
The webinar will also provide the opportunity for participants to share best practice and learn from the experience of other providers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 11, 2019
Managing the inspection process for maximum effect
In this webinar, Beej Kaczmarczyk and Sharron Carlill, will focus on key learnings from the current framework for the inspection of post-16 education and training providers
It has become increasingly clear that during inspections, providers need to show Ofsted how the education and training they provide impacts learners – Ofsted wants to know ‘so what?’ This webinar will focus on suggestions for answers to some of those ‘so what’ questions.
This webinar will be particularly useful for those new to the nominee role in your organisation and for training providers who have never been inspected before.
It will cover
More holistic focus on all aspects of teaching, learning and assessment and the development of the learner
From policy to practice: how everything the organisation does impacts learners
How learners are prepared for and the pointers for excellent British values and how these are inspected
The importance of and the much definition of this
The importance of ncluding
How to be an effective nominee: before the inspection begins, as it begins, during inspection and responding during meetings
The importance of joint lesson observations and activities during inspection: the role of provider staff and how to respond well
The changing focus of the new Education Inspection Framework
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 04, 2019
Update on apprenticeship funding 2019 to 2020
The recently published “Apprenticeship funding in England from 2019” updates the apprenticeship policy that has been in place since August 2018. The document reaffirms the operation of the current system and also introduces some changes to the system, in the light of feedback from employers, training providers and other users.
In this webinar, Beej Kaczmarczyk of e-Memoir, will consider how the changes announced in the document, e.g. reduction in the non-levy paying employer co-investment rate and increase in the percentage of funds that levy paying employers can transfer to other employers, might impact on apprenticeship providers. He will also look at the implications of the recent guidance on initial assessment and recognising prior learning in apprenticeships.
This webinar will be of relevance to providers of apprenticeship training to both levy paying and non-levy paying employers
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 26, 2019
Delivering Cost Effective Access to HE Programmes
Suitable for Directors of Curriculum, Access to HE Managers, Planning and Funding Managers and Data Managers.
Access to HE provision is an important part of the FE and skills offer for adults seeking to progress to HE programmes but it is facing significant challenges with devolution of adult funding, changes in HE funding and offers, and the introduction of T levels. This one-hour webinar will provide you with the most up-to-date information on the planning, delivery and funding of Access to HE programmes.
It will cover
• The importance and scope of Access to HE programmes
• Funding of Access to HE programmes – Adult Education Budget and Advanced Learner Loans
• How to grow your loan funded Access to HE provision
• Improving the cost effectiveness of Access to HE provision
• Effective delivery mechanisms, including flexible and online learning
• Future prospects for Access to HE.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 21, 2019
Maths and English in T levels
In this webinar, Barbara Gregory will focus on maths and English skills linked to the technical routes. As a delivery partner with the Education and Training Foundation, ALIN (Adult Learning Improvement Network) have created a significant range of resources that promote maths and English skills, including very short animations that highlight how calculation and communication tasks are part of every job role and occupation.
The range of resources that have been developed are equally relevant across study programmes, traineeships and apprenticeships. In addition, employability programmes and AEB providers have also shown considerable interest recently. Some of the very new resources also link to social action, and as curriculum design and community cohesion are weaving their way into the new framework, these new resources are highly relevant.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 14, 2019
Update on the Funding of Learning Support for Apprentices and Trainees: meeting the needs of learners and audit
This webinar will provide an update on the arrangements for the funding of learning support for young people and adults on apprenticeships and traineeships.
It will cover
• Learning support funding for apprentices and trainees
• How to make best use of learning support funding for optimum retention and achievement
• Meeting audit requirements: ILR and Earnings Adjustment Statement
• How to use Access to Work funding
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 05, 2019
Making the most of AEB funding 2019 to 2020
Making the most of AEB funding 2019 to 2020: how to optimise AEB funding through effective planning, marketing, delivery and learner experience.
The Adult Education Budget enables adults to access learning opportunities by funding the provision made by the FE and Skills sector, and yet there have been significant underspends on this funding source.
This webinar will give you an opportunity to reflect and review on successful strategies for the optimisation of AEB funding through effective planning, marketing and delivery of learning activities, and especially on the importance of effective engagement with adults and ensuring a great learner experience.
It will also consider the opportunities provided by local flexibilities and the devolution of the AEB in 2019 to 2020.
Participants are encouraged to bring any questions along that they may have. We like to keep sessions as lively and engaging as possible. If you have a headset or microphone please feel free to use it.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 28, 2019
Planning and delivering 20% off-the-job training in apprenticeship programmes
This webinar will provide an opportunity to consider and discuss some of the key issues around the 20% Off The Job training requirement in apprenticeships. It will help apprenticeship providers meet the funding rules and evidence requirements of the ESFA and the quality requirements of Ofsted whilst ensuring your programmes are meaningful and valued by apprentices and their employers.
The webinar, led by Beej Kaczmarczyk, aims to
Increase your awareness of recent clarifications of the funding rules and evidence requirements for audit
Provide practical examples of how providers and employers have delivered high quality off the job training
Clear up any misconceptions of what constitutes off the job training
Generate ideas of the benefits of off the job training to help promote it to employers and apprentices
This is the fourth webinar in our ongoing series.
Participants are encouraged to bring any questions along that they may have. We like to keep sessions as lively and engaging as possible. If you have a headset or microphone please feel free to use it.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 26, 2019
Making the most of funding for High Needs Students in post-16 education and training
This webinar will consider the arrangements for the funding of High Needs Students in 2019 to 2020, and how education and training providers can make best use of high needs funding.
It will cover the following:
• How the 2019 to 2020 allocations to have been determined
• Relationship between disadvantage funding and high needs funding
• How place-led and top-up funding works in the post-16 sector
• Issues arising from the operation of high needs funding, nationally and locally
• How to make the most of high needs funding
• Meeting the requirements of inspection and audit
Participants are encouraged to bring any questions along that they may have. We like to keep sessions as lively and engaging as possible. If you have a headset or microphone please feel free to use it.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 20, 2019
Funding and data issues around the delivery of non-regulated learning
A complimentary webinar from Ascentis for MIS and data managers
The delivery of non-regulated learning by colleges and other providers has been an aspect of provision to adults and young people for many years. MIS and data managers have received numerous guidance, rules and clarifications relating to non-regulated learning, and there is still confusion and some concern over how best to record and account for this type of provision. Local flexibilities and the devolution of AEB funding to combined authorities, the holistic approach to the funding of study programmes, and the introduction of traineeships have added to the confusion and the array of responses from MIS managers when curriculum areas plan and deliver non-regulated learning, e.g. pre-entry ESOL.
This webinar, led by Beej Kaczmarczyk and Mike Atkinson, will try to provide some clarity and assurance around the funding and data requirements for non-regulated learning.
It will cover
• What is non-regulated learning, and why is it important?
• The eligibility principles applied to non-regulated learning
• The importance of quality assurance processes, including RARPA
• How to record non-regulated learning in the ILR
• Examples of the use of class codes
• The importance of progression to regulated learning aims
Participants are encouraged to bring any questions along that they may have. We like to keep sessions as lively and engaging as possible. If you have a headset or microphone please feel free to use it.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 19, 2019
Update on 16-19 funding for 2019 to 2020
This webinar will review the funding of study programmes for 16-19 year-old students for 2019 to 2020, and consider implications for the planning and costing of study programmes.
It will cover
The main elements of the 16-19 funding formula
The conditions that need to be met to ensure funding
Meeting audit requirements
Implications for planning, costing and delivery models
New sources of funding for development of study programmes
Funding implications of T levels
Participants are encouraged to bring any questions along that they may have. We like to keep sessions as lively and engaging as possible. If you have a headset or microphone please feel free to use it.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 14, 2019
Planning and delivering level 2 study programmes in the active leisure sector
With the growth in employment and apprenticeship opportunities in the fitness and active leisure sector, and the planned changes in technical qualifications at level 3, it is a good time to review the level 2 offer that colleges and training providers are making to 16-19 year old learners.
This webinar, led by Beej Kaczmarczyk, will give colleges and training providers the opportunity to consider how best to plan and deliver cost-effective level 2 study programmes for 16-19 year old learners that lead to the best outcomes for the learners, especially progression to higher level programmes, apprenticeships and employment.
Participants are encouraged to bring any questions along that they may have. We like to keep sessions as lively and engaging as possible. If you have a headset or microphone please feel free to use it.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 13, 2019
Planning and delivering 20% off-the-job training in apprenticeship programmes
This webinar will provide an opportunity to consider and discuss some of the key issues around the 20% off-the-job training requirement in apprenticeships so that you can meet the funding rules and evidence requirements of the ESFA, the quality requirements of Ofsted, and, ensure that your programmes are meaningful and valued by apprentices and their employers.
The webinar, led by Beej Kaczmarczyk, aims to
• Increase your awareness of recent clarifications of the funding rules and evidence requirements for audit
• Provide practical examples of how providers and employers have delivered high quality off-the-job training
• Clear up an misconceptions of what constitutes off-the-job training
• Generate ideas of the benefits of off-the-job training to help promote it to employers and apprentices
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 30, 2019
How to deliver cost effective tutorial & enrichment programmes for 16-19 year old learners
This webinar was hosted in association with Ascentis and presented by Beej Kaczmarczyk
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 29, 2019
‘Training the educators’: technology enhanced approaches to Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
‘Time’ is an eternal and ever-present barrier to teachers’ CPD in the further education and training sector. Teachers and trainers value it highly. So why do we insist on making staff attend scheduled physical training sessions during the busy working day?
This webinar, with Gordon Duffy-McGhie (Middlesbrough College) and Beej Kaczmarczyk (e-Memoir), will explore different models of CPD delivery and provide examples of technology enhanced approaches and cloud based solutions that increase teachers’ participation, and drive improved performance.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 28, 2019
Having a successful monitoring visit for apprenticeship providers new to the RoATP
With the rise in the number of new training providers in the apprenticeship market and the potential risk to quality, inspectors have been carrying out monitoring visits. These visits will normally be within 24 months of the provider starting to deliver funded training, with a full inspection within 24 months of the monitoring visit.
It is critical that newly funded training provider understand the nature of the visit, the themes reported on, and the judgements on progress that can be made.
This webinar, led by Julie Gibson, will focus on the following:
themes and progress judgements
key factors that lead to success
your roles, responsibilities and accountabilities
role of the nominee
importance of the evidence base
how to manage the timetable
how to enjoy and learn from the process!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 28, 2019
Issues around the menopause in FE and skills providers
Some FE colleges have as many as 60% of their workforce at peri and menopausal age - the impact is massive. 80% of women who experience menopausal symptoms at work do not talk about it, they suffer in silence and blame something else for their struggles. Often managers do not recognise the reasons for changes in behaviours.
We now have a significant number of working women at ‘that age’, with too many suddenly being labelled as incompetent, having increased sick days, missing meetings or forgetting what they were meant to be doing. It is no fun!
The menopause has a serious impact on work for both the employer and the woman. It is time to talk about it...openly!
This webinar, led by Julie Gibson, will help both men and women, in all areas of a college or training provider, to manage the menopause at work. The session is not medical, it is designed to look at practical, real situations and how best to help ensure menopausal women are happy, secure and their colleagues know what to do for the best.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 15, 2019
What makes for an outstanding apprenticeship programme ?
As apprenticeship reforms take shape and employers and providers get to grips with the new funding arrangements and the shift from frameworks to standards, the focus of inspection has to take account of these changes. This webinar will offer participants an opportunity to reflect on revised guidance from Ofsted that takes account of the introduction of the levy and accommodates apprenticeships undertaken against standards as well as frameworks. I will also look at lessons learned from inspections of good and outstanding apprenticeship providers.
The webinar will consider how an outstanding apprenticeship programme is not only about inspection, it is also about meeting and exceeding the expectations of employers, apprentices and other stakeholders. Impacts on the apprentice’s security of employment and progression, as well on the employer’s business success, are just as important.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 08, 2019
Consultation on the funding of T level programmes
The recently launched DfE consultation on the funding for T levels outlines proposals for four new study programme funding bands, additional funding for industry placements, and also for English and maths up to level 2.
This webinar, led by Beej Kaczmarczyk, will provide you with an opportunity to consider the proposals in more detail, and their implications for the planning and delivery of T level programmes.
Hopefully, it will also inform your responses to the consultation so that providers and others ‘on the ground’ can have a say in the final shape of the system
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
November 26, 2018
An update on ‘T’ level developments and implications for post-16 providers
This latest webinar in the series from e-Memoir will provide a whistle-stop tour of some of the key issues, and will be followed by other webinars focusing on the detail of ‘T’ levels, e.g. industry placements and employability skills, career education, curriculum planning and design, workforce development.
It will cover
An update on T level developments
Government initiatives and funding for developing the T level workforce
Constructing the T level curriculum
Planning for delivery
Raising awareness of the technical route
The new Education Inspection Framework and its relevance to T levels
Beej Kaczmarczyk will be joined by Rhys Davies, Equip Consultancy, and Gordon McAlpine, e-Memoir
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
November 22, 2018
Making the most of the levy: the importance of effective employer engagement and involvement
This webinar, with Beej Kaczmarczyk, will consider how successful providers have engaged with levy paying employers and increased the level of apprenticeship activity. Although employers have used just under 14 per cent of their apprenticeship levy funds in the first 18 months since the policy was introduced, some providers have developed and implemented effective strategies for engaging and involving levy paying employers.
It will cover
Understanding employer responses to the levy
Effective marketing and branding of your offer to levy paying employers
Devising effective employer engagement strategies
Selling the benefits of apprenticeships
Removing the barriers to using levy funds
Getting employer involvement
Issues still to be addressed
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
November 13, 2018
Target setting to maximise learner progress
• The 5W & H of target setting (who, when, what, why, where, how)
• Using motivational, compelling targets to contribute to learner progress
• Ensuring targets lead to ‘in the moment’ feedback for learning and progress conversations
• Skilful questioning and coaching tools to support learner progress
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
November 09, 2018
Audit of apprenticeship activity: understanding key aspects of the audit of apprenticeships
This webinar looks at the implications for apprenticeship providers of the new ESFA financial assurance audits. It has been designed to give apprenticeship providers information on the audit process to ensure that they are clear about the process and exactly what is required.
The session will cover:
• The background to the audit approach for apprenticeship starts post May 2017
• What the new audit approach covers and implications for providers
• How providers can avoid the pitfalls
• Understanding audit requirements for employer contributions and 20% off-the-job training
• The role of DSATs in the new audit approach
• Implications for sub-contracted provision
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
October 16, 2018
Delivering good and outstanding lessons, consistently
• What are the habits, practices and approaches of teachers who consistently deliver good and outstanding lessons?
• How can we help learners to be more independent, confident and motivated?
• What does the evidence say about impactful teaching, learning and assessment and what sector specific examples are there?
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
October 11, 2018
Supporting the mental health and well being of learners
Understanding the mental health continuum
Recognising the signs of poor or declining MH & WB
Supporting learners in learning contexts
Dos and don’ts and boundaries
Whole organisational policies and practices
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
October 02, 2018
Delivering effective learning support for adult learners
This webinar will focus on how the effective use of learning support funding for adults, including trainees and apprentices, can improve learner performance and progression. It will also provide participants with the opportunity to discuss how well their management of learning support optimises the funding available to meet the needs of learners and audit requirements.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
September 27, 2018
Exploring opportunities provided by the devolution of the Adult Education Budget
This webinar will allow participants to explore the different funding arrangements that might result from devolving the Adult Education Budget after 2019 to 2020. The webinar will cover the rationale for devolution, the ‘risk and readiness’ conditions that need to be met and how local commissioning could fit with national priorities and entitlements. Different aspects of locally devised funding policies, including, allocation mechanisms, payments rates, funding rules and performance management, will also be considered.
This webinar is suitable for senior managers and leaders of organisations involved in the commissioning and delivery of adult learning and skills. We welcome your contributions before and during the webinar and hope that it stimulates discussion and debate in your own organisations.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
September 27, 2018
Delivering Cost Effective Study Programmes for 16 19 Year Old Learners
This webinar will consider how post-16 providers are implementing study programmes and the challenges that the funding methodology poses for the planning and costing of 16-19 programmes. It will also look at what providers need to do meet the demands of audit and the new inspection framework.
It will cover
Understanding the more holistic approach to planning, funding and quality assuring study programmes
Issues arising from the inspection of study programmes in FE and Sixth Form Colleges
Designing the best curriculum delivery models
Improving the quality of English and maths delivery
Increasing the availability and effectiveness of work experience
Deciding the best way to manage curriculum delivery models to improve attainment and value added
Building the best organisational structures to deliver the changes needed
This webinar will be of relevance to providers of apprenticeship training to both levy paying and non-levy paying employers
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
September 26, 2018
Creating a collaborative approach to teaching, learning & Assessment
When considering the quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment we often fall into the trap of thinking only about classroom activity. This webinar will explore what we consider TL&A to be and how colleges and training organisations can create a collaborative approach to improving the learner experience and outcomes.
Session led by Dr Sally Wootton (FETN) and Beej Kaczmarczyk
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
September 26, 2018
Update on Apprenticeship funding, 2018 to 2019
The recently published “Apprenticeship funding in England” and “Apprenticeship funding and performance management rules 2018 to 2019” update the apprenticeship policy and rules that have been in place since May 2017. These documents reaffirm the operation of the current system and also introduce some changes to the system, in the light of feedback from employers, training providers and other users.
In this webinar, Beej Kaczmarczyk of e-Memoir, will consider how the changes announced in the documents, e.g. increasing the number of funding bands, transfer of levy funds and the introduction of the care leaver bursary might impact on apprenticeship providers. He will also look at the implications of recent research on the operation of learning support in apprenticeships.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
September 25, 2018
Developing new training programmes and qualifications to meet employer demand: Chinese culinary arts
With the ever-changing landscape and current uncertainties around the future shape of industries in the UK and farther afield, employers are looking to address new demands through increasingly innovative collaborative approaches. This can provide opportunities for education and training providers to work closely with employers.
Join Beej Kaczmarczyk (e-Memoir) and Russell Grocott (PAM education) in this interactive webinar that will look at how a partnership between UK (PAM education and Crawley College) and Chinese providers (Tianjin 2nd School of Cuisine ) is approaching workforce issues, and opportunities through the development of a Diploma in Chinese Culinary Arts.
To find out more information on this exciting project please follow this link:
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
August 30, 2018
An update on ‘T’ level developments and implications for post 16 providers
Further information to follow.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 21, 2018
From employer engagement to employer involvement: strategies for success
This webinar, delivered by Mike Mountfield and Beej Kaczmarczyk, will look at the way that colleges and training providers will have to increasingly move from engaging with employers to actively involving them in the development and delivery of learning programmes and other services.
It will cover
What does employer engagement look like and how is it carried out in most colleges?
How effective are college business development teams and their managers?
How commercially focused are college managers and staff?
How does employer involvement differ from engagement?
What do employers do with colleges that confirm involvement verses engagement?
Examples of good involvement
How can employers benefit from involvement?
What are the benefits of employer involvement in the curriculum?
The criticality of effective boards of governors and employers
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 21, 2018
Advanced Learner Loans: Strategies for Improving the Marketing, Delivery and Quality of Loan Funded Provision
With advanced learner loans under some scrutiny, possibly as part of the Treasury select committee’s inquiry into student loans, as well the latest data that shows almost £1 billion in loans funding had gone unspent since they were introduced, this webinar will provide an update on the funding of advanced learner loans, with advice on how to access loan funding. It will also provide an opportunity for participants to review their own organisations’ capacity to deliver loan funded activity, including marketing and planning flexible and responsive provision.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 19, 2018
Social Skills in a Digital World
This Level 2 qualification has been successfully delivered in a range of learning environments over the past 18 months but is proving especially popular with apprenticeship training providers. The 30 hour programme of blended learning is a simple one stop solution for providers looking to cover all aspects of the Personal Development Behaviour and Welfare Ofsted inspection framework requirements. It is ideal for providers looking for ways to reach the 20% off-the-job training requirements as a majority of the work can be completed by apprentices at on their phones or laptops whilst at work.
The SCCU team will cover the key outcomes and benefits of the course in this webinar.
Look out for further webinars from this series with PAM Education Consultancy Services
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 12, 2018
Making the most of funding for High Needs Students in post-16 education and training
This webinar led by Beej Kaczmarczyk will consider the arrangements for the funding of High Needs Students in 2018 to 2019, and how education and training providers can make best use of high needs funding.
It will cover the following:
• How the 2018 to 2019 allocations to have been determined
• Relationship between disadvantage funding and high needs funding
• How place-led and top-up funding works in the post-16 sector
• Issues arising from the operation of high needs funding
• Cost effective use of your high needs budget
• Meeting the requirements of inspection and audit
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 12, 2018
The Gatsby benchmarks: implications for the provision of careers education & guidance for post-16 education & training providers
With the publication of the DfE’s Careers Strategy in December 2017 and the new Statutory Guidance for Careers in January 2018, it’s a good time to look at the implications of good standards of careers education and guidance for FE colleges and other training providers.
This NAMSS sponsored webinar, will be co-facilitated by Lisa Humphries and Beej Kaczmarczyk. It will cover:
• The main elements of the Careers Strategy
• The eight Gatsby benchmarks and their relevance to the achievement of the Strategy
• The increasing significance of good careers education with the introduction of T levels, the growth of apprenticeships and improved progression for learners
• Guidance on how to implement the benchmarks in FE colleges and training providers
• Application of self-audit tools and plans of action
• Challenges for leaders and managers of colleges and training providers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 12, 2018
An Update on the Funding of Adult Community Learning for 2018 to 2019
This webinar (Led by Beej Kaczmarczyk) will provide an update on the funding of adult community learning and the implications for the planning and delivery of provision. It will cover
• The principles for the ESFA allocation of the Adult Education Budget (AEB), including adult community learning
• The range and scope of provision
• Implications for eligibility of learners and programmes
• Main elements of the funding formula applied to adult community learning
• Learning and learner support funding
• Planning and costing provision for adult community learners
• Implications of devolution
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 11, 2018
An introduction to the audit of advanced learner loans
Join Beej Kaczmarczyk and Mike Atkinson for another fantastic interactive webinar.
The 2017 to 2018 academic year saw the introduction of a new rule preventing providers from subcontracting loan funded provision, and the awarding of advanced learner loan facilities to a number of new providers who were unfamiliar with working in the ESFA environment.
This webinar serves as an introduction to the management of a loans facility and to working within the constraints of the ESFA rules and regulations.
It is aimed at providers new to working in the compliance and performance management climate required by the ESFA.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 07, 2018
Update on Apprenticeship funding, 2018 to 2019
The recently published “Apprenticeship funding in England” updates the apprenticeship policy that has been in place since May 2017. The document reaffirms the operation of the current system and also introduces some changes to the system, in the light of feedback from employers, training providers and other users.
In this webinar, Beej Kaczmarczyk of e-Memoir, will consider how the changes announced in the document, e.g. increasing the number of funding bands, might impact on apprenticeship providers. He will also look at the implications of recent research on the operation of learning support in apprenticeships.
This webinar will be of relevance to providers of apprenticeship training to both levy paying and non-levy paying employers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
June 05, 2018
Making the most of learning support funding for young people and adults to improve engagement, retention, achievement and progre
This webinar will focus on how the effective use of learning support funding for young people and adults, including trainees and apprentices, can improve learner performance and progression.
It will also provide participants with the opportunity to discuss how well their management of learning support optimises the funding available to meet the needs of learners and audit requirements.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
May 17, 2018
Understanding the Adult Education Budget: Making the Most of National Entitlements and Local Flexibilities
The Adult Education Budget of £1.5 billion per year can be used to fund a wide range of programmes for adults, including those with statutory entitlements to fully funded qualifications and the unemployed. This webinar will provide you with an understanding of the main elements of the funding formula, the entitlements and the possibilities for providers to offer entry and level 1 programmes as part of local flexibilities
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
May 08, 2018
Improving the quality of English and maths in apprenticeships
Webinar hosted by Beej Kaczmarczyk
English and maths are key components within an apprenticeship and your delivery of this element is closely monitored and evaluated by key sector stakeholders. It can also be the element that the apprentice is most apprehensive about. Having an effective delivery model and offer for English and maths produces huge benefits for the apprentice, their employer and the provider. This webinar will explore different models and provide examples of best practice through case studies from successful providers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
May 03, 2018
Improving the quality of study programmes to meet funding and quality requirements
Webinar hosted by Beej Kaczmarczyk
This webinar will consider how providers can plan and deliver more cost-effective study programmes to meet the increased expectations of the Common Inspection Framework and also the drive for improved cost efficiency in the post-16 sector.
It will cover
Understanding the more holistic approach to planning, funding and quality assuring study programmes
Issues arising from the inspection of study programmes in FE and Sixth Form Colleges
Designing the best curriculum delivery models
Improving the quality of English and maths delivery
Increasing the availability and effectiveness of work experience
Deciding the best way to manage curriculum delivery models
Building the best organisational structures to deliver the changes needed
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 25, 2018
Managing the transition from frameworks to standards
Webinar hosted by Beej Kaczmarczyk
Standards are the preferred route for many sector bodies and this webinar will explore the transition away from frameworks. With practical tips and case studies from leading FE and skills providers, Beej Kaczmarczyk will explore how you can plan for this transition and effectively embed standards into your delivery offer.
The webinar will cover:
The apprenticeship reforms
Understanding differences between frameworks and standards
Implications for providers
How to make the most of the transition
Marketing and employer engagement strategies
Workforce development
Changing role of the assessor.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 24, 2018
Understanding your learners better through objective decision making
In this webinar, Beej Kaczmarczyk will be joined by Nathan Konstantino of TheTalentFinders, to explore different ways of increasing your understanding of your learners, their needs, aspirations and talents, through the use of gamified assessments. These tools are also useful for understanding more about your employees and candidates.
The webinar will cover:
Subjective decision making vs objective decision making and the pitfalls this can present.
Data driven decisions.
Understanding people better (1.employee - organisational design / 2.candidate - job matching / 3. learner journey) and how to use the output (people analytics).
Methods to achieve this.
Engagement - How to create it?
Tracking success - Key metrics to record and monitor
ED&I - talent & potential comes in all shapes and sizes - delve deeper to uncover hidden gems!
Applications in different learning programmes, e.g. traineeships, apprenticeships.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 19, 2018
Audit of apprenticeship activity: an introductory look at the key aspects of the audit of apprenticeships
Webinar hosted by Beej Kaczmarczyk
This webinar looks at the implications for apprenticeship providers of the new ESFA financial assurance audits. It has been designed to give providers introductory information on the audit process to ensure that they are clear about the process and exactly what is required. The session will cover:
The background to the audit approach for apprenticeship starts post May 2017
What the new audit approach covers and implications for providers
How providers can avoid the pitfalls
The role of DSATs in the new audit approach
Implications for sub-contracted provision
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 19, 2018
The Gatsby Benchmark: implications for the provision of careers education & guidance for post-16 education & training providers
With the publication of the DfE’s Careers Strategy in December 2017 and the new Statutory Guidance for Careers in January 2018, it’s a good time to look at the implications of good standards of careers education and guidance for FE colleges and other training providers.
Join Alastair Falk (Head of Education and Community Outreach at The careers and enterprise company), Beej Kaczmarczyk and Gordon McAlpine for this interactive webinar which will cover:
The main elements of the Careers Strategy
The eight Gatsby benchmarks and their relevance to the achievement of the Strategy
significance of good careers education with the introduction of T levels, the growth of apprenticeships and improved progression for learners The increasing
Guidance on how to implement the benchmarks in FE colleges and independent training providers
Application of self-audit tools and plans of action
Challenges for leaders and managers of colleges and training providers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 17, 2018
Update on AEB funding 2018 to 2019
Webinar hosted by Beej Kaczmarczyk
This webinar will provide an update on the Adult Education Budget (AEB) and implications for the planning and delivery of provision. It will cover
• The principles for the ESFA allocation of the AEB
• The range and scope of provision funded through the AEB
• Relationship between legal entitlements and local flexibilities
• Main elements of the funding formula, including learning support
• Planning and costing provision for adult learners
• Making the most of your AEB allocation
• Information on the devolution of AEB
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 17, 2018
Your style - Emotional intelligence, good practice for mentors, the difference between coaching and mentoring styles
Webinar hosted by Beej Kaczmarczyk and Richard Curtis (The Mentoring School)
Following on from the very successful webinar with Richard Curtis from the Mentoring School on understanding your learners, their characteristics and barriers to learning, this webinar will focus on the differences between coaching and mentoring, the essentials of effective mentoring and the importance of emotional intelligence in pastoral mentoring.
This webinar will be of interest to lecturers and tutors, and those roles who are actively supporting learners in the apprenticeship setting.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
April 12, 2018
Understanding and Making the Most of Apprenticeship Delivery and Funding
Webinar hosted by Beej Kaczmarczyk in association with ActiveIQ
The reforms of Apprenticeships have changed the whole of the landscape for work based learning, in terms of the move from frameworks to standards, new arrangements for assessment, including end-point assessment, and new funding systems for levy and non-levy paying employers.
This webinar will provide an update on the new funding system, and advice on how providers can make the most of funding opportunities, including market entry and employer engagement.
eship standards, their role in end-point assessment (EPA), and how they can prepare effectively before the Gateway.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 27, 2018
Supporting the employer through the gateway process - NCFE 2
Webinar hosted by Charlotte Freeman and Beej Kaczmarczyk
NCFE Apprenticeship Development Manager, Charlotte Freeman and e-Memoir's Beej Kaczmarczyk, are offering a free webinar to support employers with the Gateway process. The webinar will allow employers to understand apprenticeship standards, their role in end-point assessment (EPA), and how they can prepare effectively before the Gateway.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 21, 2018
Update on the Funding of Learning Support for Young People and Adults: meeting the needs of learners and audit requirements
Webinar hosted by Beej Kaczmarczk
This webinar will provide an update on the arrangements for the funding of learning support for young people on study programmes and traineeships, as well as learning support funding in the Adult Education Budget. There will also be an opportunity to consider how to optimise the support you provide to apprenticeship learners.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 15, 2018
Your Learners - Barriers to learning, mental health, life skills
The move from framework to standards and the addition of End-Point Assessment has changed the role of the on-programme tutor or assessor. The expectation is that a more supportive mentoring and coaching style is used and for many this means a new set of skills.
Richard Daniel Curtis is the CEO of The Mentoring School and supports mentors across the country to improve their pastoral skills.
In these interactive webinars, Richard will share highlights from his team’s award-winning training, the on-programme staff version of the National Apprentice Mentor Qualification. We are delighted to host two webinars with Richard, the first on common issues that on-programme tutors or assessors may not have needed to consider before. The second is aimed at helping to develop your own pastoral mentoring skills.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 13, 2018
Running Effective Review Meetings with Joanne Miles
Part of the Developing the new assessor-tutor role in apprenticeships series.
This interactive webinar, the latest in our series focusing on the changing role of the assessor-tutor in apprenticeships, will provide you with guidance on how to run effective review meetings in the apprenticeship setting.
Joanne Miles and Beej Kaczmarczyk will reflect on the importance of effective review meetings in the on-programme support for apprentices.
The webinar will
- Identify the purpose and features of effective review meetings with learners
- Outline the skills of the assessor-tutor in preparing for and conducting review meetings
- Identify the role of questioning skills within reviews
- Share some approaches for collaboration within apprenticeship programmes.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 09, 2018
Effective planning, costing and delivery of Traineeships - ActiveIQ 2
Beej Kaczmarczyk
Event information:
This webinar will consider how providers can plan and deliver cost-effective Traineeships, to meet the increased expectations of the funding and commissioning agencies, the requirements of inspection and also the drive for improved cost efficiency in the post-16 sector. It will provide an update on the funding of Traineeships for young people and adults, with advice on how to effectively plan, deliver and cost Traineeship programmes to achieve the best outcomes for learners. The webinar will also provide the opportunity for participants to share best practice and learn from the experience of other Traineeship providers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 07, 2018
Implementing the National Careers Strategy at a Local Level
Beej Kaczmarczyk and Gordon McAlpine
Event information:
This webinar will look at implications for Providers on how to best implement the "Gatsby Benchmarks" not only within institutions but in partnership with others involved in the design and delivery of effective and high quality CEIAG.
Contributors will include representatives from post 16 Providers and also from a Local Authority Partnership team charged with developing an Authority wide CEIAG strategy.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 01, 2018
How to prepare apprentices effectively for EPA
NCFE Apprenticeship Development Manager, Charlotte Freeman, will be joining Beej Kaczmarczyk for this interactive webinar aiming to demystify end-point assessment. Throughout the webinar we will provide clear guidance and structure to help prepare apprentices effectively for end-point assessment.
Participants are encouraged to bring any questions along that they may have. We like to keep sessions as lively and engaging as possible. If you have a headset or microphone please feel free to use it.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
March 01, 2018
Effective feedback and review in workplace learning - Developing the new assessor-tutor role in apprenticeships
Beej Kaczmarczyk and Joanne Miles
Effective feedback and review in workplace learning
This interactive webinar, the latest in our series focusing on the changing role of the assessor/tutor in apprenticeships, will provide you with guidance on how to offer learners effective and constructive feedback in the apprenticeship setting.
Joanne Miles and Beej Kaczmarczyk will discuss what effective feedback and review look like in the learning process, the skills that assessor-tutors and learners need, how to help the learner to feedback on their own progress, and how to recognise and praise the learner’s performance. They will look at the challenges and pitfalls to avoid, and some of the ways to get feedback and review right.
In advance of this webinar, we would like you to reflect on the following questions to help inform the webinar discussion:
- What are the challenges in giving learners effective feedback that improves performance and achievement?
- What are the features of effective feedback and what effect should it have on the learner?
- How do you give verbal feedback to help learners make progress?
- What kind of language and tone do you use in written feedback, to motivate learners?
- How can you help learners to act on the feedback after it is given?
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 22, 2018
Intro to funding of programmes for young people and adults - ActiveIQ
Beej Kaczmarczyk and ActiveIQ
Event information:
For providers in the further education and skills sector in England, understanding how education and training programmes are funded can often be daunting and difficult to comprehend. This interactive webinar will provide you with a brief overview of the funding landscape and system, and highlight the key differences between the funding of young people and adults in the different settings for learning.
It will cover
• The main elements of the ESFA funding formulae for young people and adults
• Loan funded provision for adults
• The basics of apprenticeship funding
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 22, 2018
An introduction PDSATs – Provider Data Self-Assessment Toolkit
Mike Atkinson and Beej Kaczmarczyk
Event information:
PDSATs is a tool originally designed by auditors for auditors but is now the most widely used, freely available software for data credibility. It consists of over 60 information and investigative reports that allow providers to review their data against the funding compliance rules.
This webinar, the latest in the series for information and data managers new to the FE and skills sector, looks at the PDSAT software, how to set it up and how to use it as well as looking at some of key reports and how to interpret them. It is also suitable as a refresher for those returning to a MIS role.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 21, 2018
Update on the funding of 16-19 study programmes
Beej Kaczmarczyk
This webinar will review the funding of study programmes for 16-19 year-old students for 2018 to 2019, and consider implications for the planning and costing of study programmes.
It will cover
• The main elements of the 16-19 funding formula
• The conditions that need to be met to ensure funding
• Importance of attendance and retention
• Implications for planning, costing and delivery models
• New sources of funding for development of study programmes
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 21, 2018
Effective target setting in workplace learning
Beej Kaczmarczyk & Joanne Miles
This interactive webinar, the latest in our series focusing on the changing role of the assessor/tutor in apprenticeships, will provide you with guidance on how to formulate well-crafted objectives and targets for learning in the apprenticeship setting.
Joanne Miles and Beej Kaczmarczyk will discuss what well-crafted targets look like in the learning process, their role in formative assessment, how to review and check progress with the apprentice, and how to follow targets through. They will look at the challenges and pitfalls to avoid, and some of the ways to get target setting right.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 20, 2018
What makes for an outstanding apprenticeship programme ?
Beej Kaczmarczyk
As apprenticeship reforms take shape and employers and providers get to grips with the new funding arrangements and the shift from frameworks to standards, the focus of inspection has to take account of these changes. This webinar will offer participants an opportunity to reflect on revised guidance from Ofsted that takes account of the introduction of the levy and accommodates apprenticeships undertaken against standards as well as frameworks. I will also look at lessons learned from inspections of good and outstanding apprenticeship providers.
Beej will consider how an outstanding apprenticeship programme is not only about inspection, it is also about meeting and exceeding the expectations of employers, apprentices and other stakeholders. Impacts on the apprentice’s security of employment and progression, as well on the employer’s business success, are just as important.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 20, 2018
Delivering Cost Effective Access to HE Programmes
Ideal for:
Suitable for Directors of Curriculum, Access to HE Managers, Planning and Funding Managers and Data Managers.
Beej Kaczmarczyk
With almost 42,500 registrations and over 23,600 diploma students progressing to HE in England and Wales, Access to HE provision is an important part of the FE and skills offer. This one hour webinar presented by Beej Kaczmarczyk will provide you with the most up-to-date information on the planning, delivery and funding of Access to HE programmes.
It will cover
• The importance and scope of Access to HE programmes
• Funding of Access to HE programmes – Adult Education Budget and Advanced Learner Loans
• How to grow your loan funded Access to HE provision
• Improving the cost effectiveness of Access to HE provision
• Effective delivery mechanisms, including flexible and online learning
• Future prospects for Access to HE and impacts of new T levels
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 15, 2018
Best practice in delivering 16-19 Study Programmes - e-Memoir and ALIN
ALIN have delivered Study Programme support for the Education and Training Foundation for three consecutive years. This webinar will consider best practice in delivering Study Programmes, highlight the importance of work experience/work placement and also share resources that support maths and English across the technical routes. The resources originally designed for Study Programmes have proved equally popular with Apprenticeship providers.
Peter Stacey and Barbara Gregory, both principal improvement advisors for ALIN, and Beej Kaczmarczyk of e-Memoir, will consider examples of best practice and also how providers of Study Programmes can best use the resources available.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 15, 2018
Lessons from inspection 1
Beej Kaczmarczyk & Julie Gibson
Event information:
In this webinar, Julie Gibson and Beej Kaczmarczyk, will focus on key learnings from the inspection of post-16 education and training providers since the new inspection framework was introduced in 2015.
It has become increasingly clear that during inspections, providers need to show Ofsted how the education and training they provide impacts learners – Ofsted wants to know ‘so what?’. This webinar will focus on suggestions for answers to some of those ‘so what’ questions.
It will cover:
- More holistic focus on all aspects of teaching, learning and assessment and the development of the learner
- From policy to practice: how everything the organisation does impacts learners
- Developing learners to be valuable contributors to society and not just passing qualifications
- How your provision contributes to social mobility
- How learners are prepared for life in Britain and the pointers for excellent British values and how these are inspected
- The importance of effective safeguarding and the much broader definition of this
- The importance of relevant and engaging maths and English, including speaking and listening skills
- Key points from the Chief Inspector’s report
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 13, 2018
Making the best of your advanced learner loans facility
Beej Kaczmarczyk
Event information:
With advanced learner loans under some scrutiny, possibly as part of the Treasury select committee’s inquiry into student loans, as well the latest data that shows almost £1 billion in loans funding had gone unspent since they were introduced, this webinar will provide an opportunity for participants to review their own organisations’ experience of loan funding.
It will cover:
• The latest update on the funding of advanced learner loans
• How to more effectively market your loan funded provision
• The responsiveness of learners to fee rates and repayment conditions
• Implications for the planning and delivery of loan funded provision
• Issues raised by problems in the loans market
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 08, 2018
T Levels - developing the capacity to deliver high quality work experience
Beej Kaczmarczyk and Gordon McAlpine
This webinar will be a continuation of our earlier "background to T Levels" presentations but will concentrate on the key challenges facing Providers in preparing for the management and delivery of high quality Work Placements within T Levels.
Beej and Gordon will be joined by Helen Owen Lead Manager for New College Durham's Pilot Project on Work Placements.
It will cover:
• Work Placements- How do they fit into T Level programmes
• Managing the process- A suggested management model ; New College Durham Pilot Project
• Quality Assurance- Some early thoughts on QA and assessment criteria
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
February 06, 2018
Developing the new assessor-tutor role in apprenticeships
Beej Kaczmarczyk
Event information:
This webinar will consider the arrangements for the funding of High Needs Students that will apply in 2018 to 2019, including changes in the allocations to Local Authorities through the National Funding Formula (NFF)
It will cover the following:
• How this year’s allocations to LAs have been determined
• Changes to place numbers in 2018 to 2019
• Relationship between disadvantage funding and high needs funding
• How place-led and top-up funding works in the post-16 sector
• Administration of high needs funding and respective roles of LAs and providers
• Issues arising from the operation of high needs funding
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 30, 2018
Update on the funding of High Needs Students for 2018 to 2019
Beej Kaczmarczyk
Event information:
This webinar will consider the arrangements for the funding of High Needs Students that will apply in 2018 to 2019, including changes in the allocations to Local Authorities through the National Funding Formula (NFF)
It will cover the following:
• How this year’s allocations to LAs have been determined
• Changes to place numbers in 2018 to 2019
• Relationship between disadvantage funding and high needs funding
• How place-led and top-up funding works in the post-16 sector
• Administration of high needs funding and respective roles of LAs and providers
• Issues arising from the operation of high needs funding
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 24, 2018
How to make the best of funding opportunities in 2018
Beej Kaczmarczyk
Event information:
This webinar sponsored by ILM will provide participants with the opportunity to optimise the funding of adult learners from several sources, including Adult Education Budget, Advanced Learner Loans and Apprenticeships.
Hosted by e-Memoir the webinar will cover the following:
Maximising AEB funding: procurement and sub-contracting opportunities
Increasing demand for ALL: avoiding the underspend
Changes in apprenticeship delivery and funding: how best to maximise funding in the move from frameworks to standards, and to increase income from the delivery of apprenticeships to levy and non-levy paying employers
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 16, 2018
Making the best of your advanced learner loans facility
Beej Kaczmarczyk
Event information:
With advanced learner loans under some scrutiny, possibly as part of the Treasury select committee’s inquiry into student loans, as well the latest data that shows almost £1 billion in loans funding had gone unspent since they were introduced, this webinar will provide an opportunity for participants to review their own organisations’ experience of loan funding.
It will cover
· The latest update on the funding of advanced learner loans
· How to more effectively market your loan funded provision
· The responsiveness of learners to fee rates and repayment conditions
· Implications for the planning and delivery of loan funded provision
· Issues raised by problems in the loans market
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 11, 2018
Developing the new assessor-tutor role in apprenticeships
Beej Kaczmarczyk
Event information:
This webinar will offer an opportunity to reflect on the changing role of the workplace tutor or assessor with the introduction of new apprenticeship standards, end-point assessment and new funding arrangements.
It will look at the implications for formative assessment, tutorial support and the coaching and mentoring of apprentices to successful completion of their learning.
It will also consider what the changes will mean for the training and continuing professional development of tutors and assessors.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us on: 07891 262272 or
Follow this link to review the video from this webinar: Video link
January 10, 2018