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​Pre-entry literacy, numeracy and digital skills programmes: opportunities and essential requirements

20th May 2020

Ascentis in association with e-Memoir


This webinar will provide centres with the opportunity to review their current offer of literacy, numeracy and digital skills programmes in light of changes to the funding of adult skills, including local flexibilities, low wage waivers and devolution of the AEB. It will also provide an update on audit and funding agency requirements for these programmes.

It will consider non-regulated provision and how best to record and quality assure it through RARPA.

The webinar will show you how to use Ascentis pre-entry qualifications to promote progression to statutory entitlements, regulated qualifications and employment.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have for our panel of contributors.


Beej : 07921 587443

Marek : 07891 262272

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